9956 Scratch Remover Kit

Scratch Remover Kit offers an ideal way to repair simple damages such as scratches, swirl marks, or paint imperfections with no hassle in no time. Carefully selected abrasives remove even deep scratches from the paint and bring back a high polish finish. Using the Scratch Remover Kit is an inexpensive option for repairing automotive surface blemishes. The pastes differ in the size of the abrasives. Grinding component ? 1 removes deep scratches and oxidized or dull upper layers of varnish thanks to the contained large-size abrasive components. It enables the easy removal of overspray and varnish stains during the restoration of the bodywork as well as correction of color gradations during partial painting. High gloss component ? 2 removes slight scratches, minor defects of varnish-and-paint coatings and remnants of old wax. Provides a deep cleaning of the surface, removes rust and aggressive substances from varnish microcracks and chrome separate parts. Grinding Sizes: Component ?1 – 2200, Component ?2 – 3500
- repair simple damages, scratches, swirl marks, paint imperfections
- selected abrasives applicable to remove deep and shallow scratches
- inexpensive yet effective way of repairing automotive surface blemishes
- increases the value of the car fast and easy
- Kit includes 2 abressives which differ in material removal strength
- Component ? 1 removes deep scratches
- Component ? 2 removes slight scratches, high gloss polish
Clean the surfaces to be treated. Apply on a cool, not in direct sunlight. Rub Component ?1 onto small areas using a cloth or sponge until the oxidized layers, dirt and scratches have been removed. Control the progress periodically to avoid excessive material removal. Rub on the surface using a back and forth motion and avoid circular motion. For shining and uniform paintwork apply Component ? 2 according to the above instruction. After polishing and cleaning apply automotive wax.
Available in
2x25g tube – REF. 9956