9968 Pitch Cleaner

Pitch cleaner is used for the safe removal of bitumen coatings, asphalt crumbs. Ideal for cleaning paint and chrome surfaces, glass, glass headlights, bumpers and moldings of cars. Special organic solvents grant high penetration Properties which allow it to move easily in the pores and micro cracks of treated areas.
- Safe removal of bitumen coatings, asphalt crumbs
- Neutral towards paintwork, chrome, plastic and rubber
- Penetrates pores and micro cracks
Shake the can well. Spray the composition onto the surface and let it soak well. In case of strong contamination wipe with a damp cloth or artificial suede towel and rinse with water. Do not use on unprotected paintwork plastic surfaces.
Available in
450 ML aerosol – REF. 9968