search results for AUDI A6 (4B2, C5) 2.4 quattro 115KW / 156HP 1998->1999


Brake Pad


Brake Pad


Brake Pad


Filter / Airfilter


Filter / Cabinfilter
CA1114 Starting from chassis number 4B_X_045001


Filter / Cabinfilter
CA1335 to chassis number 4B_X_045000


Filter / Cabinfilter
CAK114 Starting from chassis number 4B_X_045001


Filter / Cabinfilter
CAK335 to chassis number 4B_X_045000


Filter / Fuelfilter


Filter / Fuelfilter
FP367 equipment option quattro


Filter / Oilfilter


Filter / Oilfilter


Filter / Oilfilter
OT1017 Gearbox type Automatic transmission Gear type ZF5HP19FL

D2S 85V 35W P32d-2 +100% light D2SSLX

Lighting Headlight

D2S 85V 35W P32d-2 3700K D2SSLW

Lighting Headlight

D2S 85V 35W P32d-2 D2SSLA

Lighting Headlight

H1 12V 55W P14.5s +130% light H1SLA

Lighting Headlight

H1 12V 55W P14.5s +30% light H1SLZ

Lighting Headlight

H1 12V 55W P14.5s +60% light H1SLY

Lighting Headlight

H1 12V 55W P14.5s 3700K H1SLW

Lighting Headlight

H1 12V 55W P14.5s LongLife H1SLL

Lighting Headlight

H3 12V 55W PK22s +30% light H3SLZ

Lighting Headlight

H3 12V 55W PK22s 3700K H3SLW

Lighting Headlight

H3 12V 55W PK22s LongLife H3SLL

Lighting Headlight

H7 12V 55W PX26d +30% light H7SLZ

Lighting Headlight

H7 12V 55W PX26d +60% light H7SLY

Lighting Headlight

H7 12V 55W PX26d 3700K H7SLW

Lighting Headlight

H7 12V 55W PX26d LongLife H7SLL

Lighting Headlight

H7 12V 55W PX26d White/Blue H7SLB

Lighting Headlight

P21/5W 12V 21/5W BAY15d +50% light P215WSLY

Lighting Various

P21/5W 12V 21/5W BAY15d LongLife P215WSLL

Lighting Various

P21/5W 12V 21/5W BAY15d P215WSLA

Lighting Various

P21W 12V 21W BA15s +50% light P21WSLY

Lighting Various

P21W 12V 21W BA15s LongLife P21WSLL

Lighting Various

P21W 12V 21W BA15s P21WSLA

Lighting Various

PY21W Amber 12V 21W BAU15s PY21WSLL

Lighting Various

SV8.5 C5W T10.5 12V 5W 35/11 SVSLA2

Lighting Various

W5W 12V 5W W2.1x9.5d 3700K W5WSLW

Lighting Various

W5W 12V 5W W2.1x9.5d LongLife W5WSLL

Lighting Various

W5W T10 12V 5W W2.1?9.5d W5WSLA

Lighting Various

WY5W 12V 5W W2.1x9.5d WY5WSLA

Lighting Various

3973 - 19i/475 AeroDyn UniFit

Wiper AeroDyn
3973 - 19i/475 AeroDyn UniFit Supplementary Article / Add. information 2 Size differs from the original Type of mount Hook mount

3974 - 20i/500 AeroDyn UniFit

Wiper AeroDyn
3974 - 20i/500 AeroDyn UniFit Supplementary Article / Add. information 2 Size differs from the original Installation side front passenger side in front Type of mount Hook mount

3975 - 21i/525 AeroDyn UniFit

Wiper AeroDyn
3975 - 21i/525 AeroDyn UniFit Type of mount Hook mount

3976 - 22i/550 AeroDyn UniFit

Wiper AeroDyn
3976 - 22i/550 AeroDyn UniFit Supplementary Article / Add. information 2 Size differs from the original Type of mount Hook mount

3983 - 19i/475 AeroDyn Hook

Wiper AeroDyn
3983 - 19i/475 AeroDyn Hook Supplementary Article / Add. information 2 Size differs from the original Type of mount Hook mount

3985 - 22i/550 AeroDyn Hook

Wiper AeroDyn
3985 - 22i/550 AeroDyn Hook Supplementary Article / Add. information 2 Size differs from the original Type of mount Hook mount

3993 - 19i/475 Hybrid UniFit

Wiper AeroDyn
3993 - 19i/475 Hybrid  UniFit Supplementary Article / Add. information 2 Size differs from the original Type of mount Hook mount

3994 - 20i/500 Hybrid UniFit

Wiper AeroDyn
3994 - 20i/500 Hybrid  UniFit Supplementary Article / Add. information 2 Size differs from the original Installation side front passenger side in front Type of mount Hook mount

3995 - 21i/525 Hybrid UniFit

Wiper AeroDyn
3995 - 21i/525 Hybrid  UniFit Type of mount Hook mount

3996 - 22i/550 Hybrid UniFit

Wiper AeroDyn
3996 - 22i/550 Hybrid  UniFit Type of mount Hook mount

3376 - 21i/525 Classic Wiper

Wiper Classic
3376 - 21i/525 Classic Wiper Installation side: front Type of mount Hook mount

3963 - 20i/500 Classic Wiper

Wiper Classic
3963 - 20i/500 Classic Wiper Supplementary Article / Add. information 2 Size differs from the original straight passenger Type of mount Hook mount

3965 - 22i/550 Classic Wiper

Wiper Classic
3965 - 22i/550 Classic Wiper Supplementary Article / Add. information 2 Size differs from the original straight passenger Type of mount Hook mount

3956 - 16i/400 Rear UniFit

Wiper Rear