Result: VOLVO XC90 I 2.5 T 154KW / 209HP 2002->
3377 - 24i/600 AeroDyn UniFit
Wiper AeroDyn3973 - 19i/475 AeroDyn UniFit
Wiper AeroDyn3974 - 20i/500 AeroDyn UniFit
Wiper AeroDyn
More than 100 OE sets can be replaced with just 11 AeroDyn UniFit until year of release 07/2004 Supplementary Article / Add. information 2 Size differs from the original Installation side front passenger side in front Type of mount Hook mount
3975 - 21i/525 AeroDyn UniFit
Wiper AeroDyn3983 - 19i/475 AeroDyn Hook
Wiper AeroDyn3986 - 24i/600 AeroDyn Hook
Wiper AeroDyn3994 - 20i/500 Hybrid UniFit
Wiper AeroDyn
Optimized for cold climate due to ridget wiper frame until year of release 07/2004 Supplementary Article / Add. information 2 Size differs from the original Installation side front passenger side in front Type of mount Hook mount